Mahila Sanstha
Address :

2113 E, Nimbalkar Colony, Near Rajesh Motors,
Opp. Axis Bank, Tararani Chowk, Kolhapur 416003

Short Introduction of Sou Arundhati Mahadik

Arundhati Mahadik is a household name in Kolhapur & Sangli districts; thanks to her relentless social service. Born & brought up in Pune District, Mrs. Mahadik completed her education in well known Convent school.

After marrying to renowned businessmen Mr. Dhananjay Mahadik, Arundhati Mahadik gradually stepped into social life. Mrs. Mahadik is chairperson of Channel B, the prominent local channel, President of Bhagirathi Organization, Vice-President Bhima Education Society & the list goes on.

She is always available as a helping hand in development of women self help groups. Mrs. Mahadik has always strived for betterment of the underprivileged women. Formation of Bhagirathi Organization is part of this development program. Needy women in particular, are parted with basic knowledge of papad making, preparing paper bags, candle making, beauty parlor training and other essentials, which ensures them with self employment & helps them in earning a living.
Mrs. Mahadik is Director of Yashasvi Foods, which works extensively in marketing of food products, Prepared by the women of self help group & members of Bhagirathi Organization.

Shri Dhananjay Mahdik

Mrs. Mahadik has kick started a project ‘Kali Umaltana’ for adolescent school girls. Awareness regarding health is created through this project. Also, Yashasvi is involved in large scale manufacturing of sanitary napkins.

Arundhati Mahadik has worked extensively for awareness regarding blood donation. She is keen about health of women working as domestic helps & organizes Health check up camps at regular intervals. As a social responsibility, Mrs. Mahadik has started to visit primary health center in rural areas & assess its conditions.
She is felicitated with various awards including, Giants Mahila Gaurav Purskar in 2010.